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现在是六名亢奋的凶杀犯 And now the six merry murderesses of the Captain Hook County Jail 在虎克船长监狱的《咒语探戈》表演 in their rendition of the Spell Block Tango
他自找的 He had it coming 他自作孽 不可活 He only had himself to be blame 如果你也在场 If you'd have been there 如果你目睹了一切 if you'd seen it 我打赌你也会这么做 I bet you you would have done the same
你知道 有些人就是让你失望 You know how people have these little habits that get you down 比如贾斯珀和贺瑞斯 like Jasper and Horace 他们对布料一无所知 they didn't know their fabrics 我要的是斑点纹 I asked for spots 不 不是条纹 No not stripes 也不是波点 not dots 是斑点 spots 我非常生气的去找他们 So I came on this one day and I'm really irritated 指望能有一点安慰 And I'm looking for a little bit sympathy 结果看见贾斯珀和贺瑞斯 and there's Jasper and Horace 躺在沙发上 喝着啤酒 lying on the couch drinking a beer 旁边放着十码的波点布 with ten yards of dotted fabric 不 不是斑点 No not spots 是波点 dots 于是我说 你再给我买一次波点 So I said to them I said you buy me dots one more time 他们又买了 and they did 所以我拿了墙上的猎枪 So l took the shotgun off the wall 开了两枪警告 and I fired two warning shots 朝他们的脑袋 into their heads
两年前 我在很远的地方遇见了多克 I met Doc in a faraway land about two years ago 他说他是单身 He told me he was single 我们很快坠入了爱河 and we hit it off right away 然后开始同居 So we started living together 他去宝石矿工作 回家唱Heigh-Ho He'd go to work and little jewel mines and come home singing Heigh-Ho 我会给他倒喝的 I'd fix him a drink 我们一起吃晚餐 we'd have dinner 结果我发现 他说的单身 and then I found out the single he told me 单身个锤子 single my glass 他不仅已经结婚了 Not only was he married 还有六个男人 Oh no he had six men 他是小矮人之一 One of those dwarfs 你知道吗 you know 那天他下班回家后 So that night when he came home from work 我照样给他准备了喝的 I fixed him a drink as usual 有些人就是等不及要喝手中的苹果汁 You know some guys just can't hold their apple juice
他自找的 He had it coming 他自找的 He had it coming 他摘下盛放的花 He took a flower in its prime 却利用它 And then he used it 摧残它 And he abused it 这是凶杀 但不是犯罪 It was a murder but not a crime
我站在大锅旁边 Now I'm standing over the cauldron 调制着晚餐的鲶鱼 mixing up some catfish for dinner 忙着自己的事 minding my own business 艾瑞克王子突然冲进来 妒火中烧 In storms Prince Eric in a jealous rage 你和川顿国王有一腿 You've been screwin King Trenton he says 简直疯了 It was crazy 他继续大叫 你一直在跟川顿国王乱搞 and he kept on screaming you've been screwing King Trenton 然后就撞向了我的触手 and then he ran into my tentacles 他撞向我的触手八次 He ran into my tentacles eight times 如果你也在场 如果你目睹了一切 If you'd been there, if you'd seen it 我打赌你也会这么做 I bet you you would have done the same
小飞象 唐老鸭 米妮 小小布鲁托 Dumbo, La Duck, Marcus Mouse, Pluto Junior 阿米莉亚 阿基米德 芭贝特 虎莲公主 衣柜管家 Amelia Fieldmouse, Archimedes, Babette, Tiger Lily, Madame de la Grande Bouche 汉弗来熊 德鲁希拉 来福 魔镜 班仔 高刚 弹跳苏 Humphrey the Bear, Drusilla, La LeFou, La Mirror, Banzai, Kronk, Slue-Foot Sue 是的 是你杀的吗? Yes, but did you do it? 啊啊 我无罪 Ah-ah, not guilty
我哥哥木法沙和我表演节目 My brother Mufasa and I had this exact 我的妻子沙拉碧也跟我们一起 And my lady Sarabi used to tag along with us 上一次表演最后 Never the last number in our act 我们连续表演了20个杂技 we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row 一二三四五 劈叉 雄鹰展翅 后空翻 One two three four five splits spread eagle back flips 一个接一个地空翻 flip flops one right after the other 所以这次表演的前一晚 So this one night before the show 我去了费加罗酒店 I go down to the hotel Figaro 和鬣狗们玩了几圈 hanging with the hyenas having a few laps 追的斑马用完了 and they run out of zebra 所以我出去弄几匹 So I ran out to get some 等到洞穴后 and I come back into the den 我看见沙拉碧和木法沙在做17式 and there's Sarabiand Mufasa doing number 17 雄鹰展翅 the spread eagle 我疯了 Well I was in such a state of shock 直接昏了过去 I completely blacked out 什么都不记得了 I don't remember a thing 醒来就发现在洗爪子上的血 It wasn't untit later when i was washing the blood off my paws 才知道他们已经死了
I even knew they were dead 他们自找的 They had it coming 他们自作自受 They had it coming all the long 我没做 I didn't do it 他没做 He didn't do it 但如果我做了 But if I had done it 但如果他做了 But if he had done it 怎么能说我错了呢 How could you tell me that I was wrong
我爱斯特凡国王到超乎你的想象 I loved King Stefan more than you could possibly say 他富有艺术气息 He was an artistic guy 体贴 满怀壮志 Sensitive and full of wishes 但他总是在寻找自我 But he was always trying to find himself 他每晚都出去寻找自我 He'd go out every night looking for himself and on the way 他找到了弗罗拉 芳娜 还有梅里韦瑟 He found Flora Fauna and Merryweather 我猜 我们分手是因为我们的艺术差异 I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences 他认为自己是活物 He saw himself as alive 而我视他为死物 And I saw him dead
说不尽的下流事 The dirty bam bam bam bam bam bam 他们自找的 They had it coming 一切都是他们自作自受 They had it coming all the long 如果他们这样 Cause if they use it 我也能这样 I may have use it 怎么能说我们错了呢 How could you tell us that we were wrong
他自找的 He had it coming 一切都是他自作孽 不可活 He only have himself to blame 如果你也在场 If you'd have been there 如果你目睹了一切 if you'd seen it 我打赌你也会这么做 I bet you you would have done the same